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Nippon Rikukaigun
Imperial Japanese Army and Navy research... not just by Eugen Pinak

General topics, links, etc.

[Home page] [General topics] [Army, Army Air Force] [Navy, Naval Air Force] [Eugen Pinak: contacts, publications] [Jeff Donahoo’s IJN Data Base]

A short primer on the organization of the IJA and the IJN - for the organization of the Imperial Japanese military start here.

Imperial Japanese Army and Navy organizations comparison - for better uderstanding different organizations of the IJa and the IJN, which sometimes had similar names.

1943 USN intelligence report "Organization and rank in the Japanese Army And Navy Air Services". Despite its errors, is interesting period document, showing current US knowledge on Japanese Navy and Army air services.


General map of East Asia and Pacific - for better orientation in the enormous Asia-Pacific area, where Japanese military operated


Links to the English language web sites with useful information on the Imperial Japanese military

Japanese language and other reference resources

Japanese calendar systems and Methods of designating weapons and equipment

List of Japanese military abbreviations

Imperial Rescript to Soldiers and Sailors of 1882 was the official code of ethics for the Japanese military personnel from its publication in 1882 until 1948, when it was officially denounced. Every Japanese soldier was expected to learn those two documents by heart and the Imperial Rescript was to be memorized by every IJA member (by contrast IJN required learning, not memorization, of the Imperial Rescript).

Japanese official histories of the Pacific War - short introduction to the topic and links to the English translations of some volumes of Japanese official histories of the Pacific War.

All rights reserved/Copyright© Eugen Pinak, unless otherwise noted.